Your solution
Your solution
No two sloping walls are alike.
But we have taken this into account in the development of ATTICCO, where the concept is flexible both in terms of knee wall height and inclination angle. But therefore you also need to design your furniture from scratch.
Therefore, follow the 3 steps below, and you will find the piece of furniture and the furniture geometry that fits your sloping wall perfectly. Subsequently, you choose the width and function of your furniture; Shelving unit,, cabinet or dresser.
If you need help now or later, we are never further away than a phone call (+45 23 29 79 47), an e-mail ( or a chat via the chat.
We are here to help you.
1. Measure the slope wall
Guide to measurement
Watch the video (Mark with cusor on the drawing) where we guide you through a measurement of A: Knee wall height and B: Inclined angle. Do you need more help? Contact ATTICCO .

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Guide to schedule
Once you have entered the 2 numbers for your sloping wall:
The table for each furniture variant shows the combinations of leg height and furniture depth you can freely choose – and achieve perfect adaptation to your back wall.
Note that the furniture space for the shelf / cabinet / drawer is the same regardless of which combination in the table you choose.
The rule is that the higher the furniture legs you choose, the more the furniture is pushed up and out into the room – see illustration.
2. Enter goals
Measure your sloping wall and enter the 2 numbers for A & B. Then press the “Calculate” button. Then you are presented with the furniture variants that fit your sloping wall. Finally, you choose the variant that you want to proceed with (Column with 4 figures).
Use “dot” at decimals