- We make rooms with sloping walls the best rooms -

Freestanding High Duo: Bookcase - bookcase


ATTICCO designs and produces solutions for the sloping wall. Our patented furniture concept has been developed and matured over a number of years and launched in Denmark in 2015. Behind the idea and development you will find the trio: Designer Claes Lindgren, designer Niels A. Larsen and commercially responsible Jens Høgh Simonsenen.

Today the company is signed by Jens Høgh Simonsen (owner). On the technical page you will find Torben Lehmann Laurberg.

The idea for ATTICCO

We think it is cozy with the sloping walls – but the room is not easy to decorate with ordinary furniture, if you also need space for storage of clothes, toys, school things, books and more. And because the angle of the sloping wall varies from house to house and even from room to room, there is no standard furniture.

The idea for ATTICCO was fostered, after countless attempts with “Do it yourself”. The goal was to make a small roof room suitable as a children’s room, where there was room for everything that belongs in a children’s room. Do it yourself ”is not the answer when the talent is only enough for“ collect-yourself ”and the level of ambition isfunction, quality and finish on a par with Danish furniture classics.

But what do you do then – when you have the sloping walls but can not find furniture to decorate it with? You invent it!

The prerequisite for the function of the sloping wall furniture is that it has a significant flexibility in the height and depth of the furniture. Only then will the furniture fit into all the different sloping walls that exist.

And then it must be prepared so that you can assemble it yourself – and make it fit – even without the big “Do it yourself course”.

That was the piece of furniture we wanted to invent. And that was the ambition we had when we started developing the furniture concept ATTICCO. A unique designer piece of furniture that just “fits” the sloping wall. And which has the quality you can expect from a Danish designed and produced piece of furniture. And we have succeeded, we think. Above all expectation.

We applied for a patent on ATTICCO in 2014 in Denmark and got this finally approved in January 2016. Since then, we searched for the whole of Europe and as of 23 August 2017, the ATTICCO furniture concept is patented throughout Europe!

Freestanding Low Duo: Drawer - Bookcase

Our mission is to make the room with sloping walls as functional and attractive as rooms with vertical walls. With ATTICCO we want to create space for life (s). We want to make Denmark and the world's sloping roof floors the best rooms - the living roof floor.


The development team behind the furniture concept

The idea and concept has been developed in close collaboration with Designer Claes Lindgren and designer Niels Adelholm Larsen. Without their insight and skills in design and engineering, the journey towards ATTICCO would probably have been a very different journey. Designer Torben Laurberg has been a decisive and driving force in the realization of the concept.

With great creativity, wealth of ideas and understanding, Claes Lindgren has let aesthetics and functionality blend into his contributions to ATTICCO. This combined with Niels Adelholm Larsen’s great technical insight and ability to translate skewed angles and long formulas into furniture that works and can last year after year. Claes Lindgren and Niels Adelholm Larsen have both been important contributors to the development of the ATTICCO furniture concept. Torben Laurberg has been primarily responsible for the realization and product maturation. Without Torben Laurberg, the idea would still be drawings on a napkin. But fortunately, today we have a realized furniture concept that makes all sloping walls envious



Claes Lindgren


jens høgh simonsen

H. Simonsen

Owner and Director

A. Larsen


From idea
To solution


In April 2015, we opened
for ATTICCO.dk.


In January 2016, the patent was approved for Denmark.


In August 2017, the patent was approved for Europe.


ATTICCO launches MINI as a new built-in variant. ATTICCO launches Freestanding furniture LOW / HIGH in width 323 cm. In 2020, the website will be expanded with an English-language version.


ATTICCO is launched in 4 new widths from 43 cm to 283 cm.


ATTICCO is launched with a webshop in German, Dutch and French.

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At ATTICCO, we dream of spreading our furniture concept to the whole of Denmark and the rest of the world.

In the management of ATTICCO you will find Jens Høgh Simonsen and Torben Laurberg, who are both happy and proud to have had the opportunity to take part in the furniture journey with ATTICCO. They both believe that ATTICCO has the potential to become widespread throughout Europe.

Jens Høgh Simonsen is former head of innovation at VELUX, where he has worked for many years with solutions for the sloping roof. On trips around Denmark and Europe, Jens has experienced the challenges of making rooms with sloping walls functional and exciting. Ordinary and ordinary furniture just does not fit the sloping walls and the low skunks. And when used anyway, it often ends up with poorly decorated spaces without the necessary storage space.

Torben Laurberg is a trained carpenter and designer. Torben has worked with design and housing solutions in both functions and the experience from this has been used very actively in the development of the concept and in the design and layout of ATTICCO.

In the circle of managers behind ATTICCO, you will find Jens Høgh Simonsen and Torben Laurberg, who are both happy and proud to have had the opportunity to take part in the furniture journey with ATTICCO. They both believe that ATTICCO has the potential to become widespread throughout Europe.

With ATTICCO, we make the cozy sloping wall rooms habitable. And that’s actually part of ATTICCO’s mission.

Jens’ mother-in-law Sonja has a motto called: “Space for everything – everything in place”

With ATTICCO, you get a furniture concept that gives you “Space for everything”. Now it’s up to you whether you also want “Everything in place”.

create atticco with open door
atticco furniture
create atticco with open door
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